
Sunday, 18 March 2012

21st Century Literacies

Howard Gardner contends that "literacies, skills, and disciplines ought to be pursued as tools that allow us to enhance our undertanding of important questions, topics, and themes." Today learners become literate by learning to read and write.  They can analyze, compare, evaluate and interpret multiple representations from a variety of disciplines and subjects, including texts, photographs, artwork, and data.  Learners can then form their own opinions and form their own point of view.

However in the 21st century literacy is everything from reading online newspapers to participating in virtual classrooms. They are linked with life possibilities and social trajectories of individuals and groups. According to the NCTE twenty-first century readers and writers need to:

  • Develop proficiency with the tools of technology
  • Build relationships with others to pose and solve problems collaboratively and cross-culturally
  • Design and share information for global communities to meet a variety of purposes
  • Manage, analyze and synthesize multiple streams of simultaneous information
  • Create, critique, analyze, and evaluate multi-media texts
  • Attend to the ethical responsibilities required by these complex environments

on 18 March 2012

on 18 March 2012
  • Youtube

John Dewey- Why paradigm shifts are taking place:

"A paradigm shift is imminent when anomalies, disparties and incongruencies occur within a particular paradigm.  In fact, today we are faced with the same kind of situation in the world overall where our paradigm (also of education) is dysfunctional.  A paradigm shift is fundamentally changing the prevailing framework of theories, concepts and principles resulting in a new waay of thinking and doing, and redefining the existing world view.  A paradigm shift is determined by novel key concepts that govern a fundamental new way of thinking and doing."   (Slabbert, Kock,M.D.Hattignh,A.2009:34).

“An ounce of experience is better than a ton of theory simply because it is only experience that any theory has vital and verifiable significance.”  John Dewey.

According to Dewey emphasis is placed on experiental learning end reflection to bring about the dialogic and trasformative process.  Reflections makes sure that learning is quality learning.  The classroom becomes a communal place where 'had'experiences are analysed.  Through co-operation of teachers and learners these experiences can by openly analysed and transformed.  (Slabbert, Kock,M.D.Hattignh,A.2009:46).

A paradigm shift is thus taking place because teaching is now not teacher-centered, but a mutual co-operation between learners and teachers.  In other words, teaching is more student-centered now. 

Friday, 16 March 2012

21st' century school

"Don't try to innovate for the future. Innovate for the present."
Peter Drucker

"Some people see things as they are and ask 'why'? I see things as they have never been and ask 'why not'?"

George Bernard Shaw

One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings.

the 21st century school must adopt to provide for:  muli cultural learners
                                                                                  access for all from all race
                                                                                  to get information in your home language
                                                                                  and be respected for your culture

also check out this cool blog from the finder of the 21st century schools(

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Global classroom

High school students need to be more knowledgeable about world global issues and able to communicate across cultures and languages.This includes science, culture,sports and politics. The globalization of business, the advances in technology, and the acceleration of migration increasingly require the ability to work on a global scale. Students must come out of school globally competent, prepared to compete, connect, and cooperate with their generation around the world. Parents, teachers, policymakers, and business leaders have begun to respond to this reality and are seeking to redesign education to focus on learning for the 21st century.

According to "21st cenrury schools":
What are global competencies - Students show t hey are global competent when they show  knowledge and skills to understand they act creatively and innovatively on issues of global significance.  Here are a few examples:
  • Environmental sustainability.
  • Population growth.
  • Economic development.
  • Global conflict and cooperation.
  • Health and human development.
  • Human rights.
  • Cultural identity and diversity. ("21st century schools"  On: 14 March From:
 Students should demonstrate through their work how they:
  • Investigate the world beyond their immediate environment.
  • Recognize their own and others’ perspectives.
  • Communicate their ideas effectively and with diverse audiences.
  • Translate their ideas and findings into appropriate actions to improve conditions  ( "21st century schools"  On: 14 March From:

"21st century schools"  On: 14 March 2012 From:

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Using technology resources in the classroom

  • Track data—the weather over time, or in different places, or changes in the Stock Market
  • Contribute to a research team—student data contributions and tracking are used for many projects
  • Research what happened on a certain day
  • Test your knowledge with daily quizzes—the National Geography Bee posts new questions daily
  • Learn how to setup their own emailadress
  • Students can email assignments to teachers
  • Students can email work to each other if it is group work

  • Converse and collaborate with another class on a project
  • Take a course, in real time, from an instructor and with other students at various locations
Presentation Software:

  • Pull group work together in a class presentation with each group having a few slides in a presentation
  • Make a digital "memory book" for the year

From: Youtube

Green education

Green education refers theteaching about how natural environments function and, particularly, how human beings can manage their behavior and ecosystems in order to live sustainably. It refers to education within the school system. It is sometimes used more broadly to include all efforts to educate the public and other audiences.

"Environmental education is a learning process that increases people's knowledge and awareness about the environment and associated challenges, develops the necessary skills and expertise to address the challenges, and fosters attitudes, motivations, and commitments to make informed decisions and take responsible action" (UNESCO, Tbilisi Declaration, 1978).

Gruenewald, D.A., 2004, A Foucauldian analysis of environmental education: toward the socioecological challenge of the Earth Charter, Curriculum Inquiry 34(1):71-107.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

construction of education that meets the 21st' century learner

The Overall Structure of the General Education

fundamental knowledge and skills across the breadth of traditional disciplines so that

students learn how to

think and communicate effectively (Cluster One);

appreciate the arts and humanities as an essential component of the human

experience (Cluster Two);

recognize the relevance of science and mathematics in the world they inhabit

(Cluster Three):

identify ways in which political, social and economic forces shape American and

global experiences (Cluster Four); and

understand themselves both as individuals and members of various groups in

society (Cluster Five).

Program structure is intended to assist students to make connections among disciplines

while satisfying all of the learning objectives of each cluster. Cluster One

provides the necessary college-level skills of critical thinking, writing, and speech, all

students are expected to complete this cluster.

What media literacy skills do we need in the 21st' century?

Adapted from enGuage 21st century skills. http//

Because the 21st' century learner communicates and think differently than those of the previous generations, and technology is intervowen(part) of their lives, it is necessary for a shift.

From teacher driven, passive learning model to a student drivven , active learning model.(Barr & Tag, 1995).

The development and engagement of the 21st' century learner requiers teachers to use creative  resources and strategies that play to the strenths of the 21st' century

skills required:

social networks communication
one on one sessions
using technology like celphones for sending and retrieving sms's and mms's
using teamwork activities
critical thinking skills


1, information skills:   access and evaluate information( access information effectively(sources) and efficiently(time). Evaluate information critically and compotently).
                                  use and manage information(use information accurately and creatively. Manage the flow of information from a wide variety of sources. apply understanding.

2. media litteracy: analyze media (understand both how and why media messages are constructe  and for what purpose).
Examine how individuals interpret messages differently, apply understanding.
Create media products.( understand and ultilize the most appropriate media creation tools, characteristics and conventions. Aswell as expressions in diverse , multi- cultural enviroments.

3. ICT information communication and technology: Apply technology effectively( use it as a tool to research , organize, evaluate and communicate information. Use digital technologies( computers, PDA's, media players, GPS, ect), communication/ networking tools and socizl networks appropriatelly to access, manage, intergrate, evaluate and create information. Apply understanding.
(P21 frameworkDefinitions)

Learning Skills that should be implemented at the end requiers:

Critical Thinking

Evaluate claims in terms of clarity, credibility, reliability, and accuracy
Demonstrate the ability to identify, analyze and generate claims, arguments, and positions
Identify and evaluate theses and conclusions, stated and unstated assumptions, and supporting
evidence and arguments.
Apply these skills to one's own work and the work of others.


Understand and apply the fundamentals of audience analysis, message construction, development,
organization, and presentation.
Deliver effective oral presentations in a variety of contexts
Identify, evaluate and employ critical and sensitive listening behaviors.
Identify and manage the verbal and nonverbal dimensions of communication in a variety of
Recognize and apply the influences of self-concept perception and culture on communication.
Identify, evaluate and utilize the nature and functions of power and the strategies of conflict


Develop and support a relevant and informed thesis, or point of view, that is appropriate for its
audience, purpose, and occasion.
Analyze and evaluate information to identify its argumentative, credible, and ethical elements.
Reflect on civic responsibility as it relates to written discourse (critical thinking, reading, and
Demonstrate effective writing skills and processes by employing invention, research, critical
analysis and evaluation, and revision for audience, purpose, and occasion.
Effectively incorporate and document appropriate sources to support a thesis and effectively
utilize the conventions of syntax, grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Information Literacy

Demonstrate competency in information literacy by locating information and using a work
processor, presentation software and spreadsheets.

21st century teacher

Die 21st century onderwyser moet verander om aan te pas by die leerder van die 21ste eeu. Deur dit te doen moet ons verstaan hoe die onderwyser van die era die leerder van die 21st century sien.


  • Hulle aanvaar dat leerders nogsteeds dieselfde is as wat hulle voorheen was en dat die metodes wat vir onderwysers gewerk het toe hulle leerders was vir hulle leerders behoort te werk.
  • het min waardering vir die nuwe vaardighede van die digitale immigrant leerder( leerders wat  nie in die tegnelogiese era grootgeword het met tegnelogie nie).
  • Hulle glo nie hulle leerders kan suksesvol leer terwyl hulle TV kyk of na musiek luister nie.
  • Hulle glo leer kan nie pret wees nie.
  • hulle glo nie dat 21st century leerder grootgeword het met die onmiddelikheid van hioperteks, afgelaaide musiek, kitsboodskappe, en voortdurende netwerking nie.( Onderwys in die Digitale Ekonomie, OPV 362. 2011. tama 3). 

dus is daar verandering in die onderwysmetodes nodig


  • onderwysers moet kommunikeer in die taal en styl van hulle leerders
  • dit beteken nie dat betekenis van dit wat geleer moet word verlore gaan nie, dit beteken om vinniger te vorder , minder- stap vir stap, meer parallel en met meer ewekansige toegang tot inligting na vore kom.
  • Pas die inhoud by die taal van die Digitale Boorling(leerders wat in die Digitale era grootword)
  • ontwikkel nuwe metodes vir alle leerareas, op alle vlakke en kry die leerders om rigting aan te dui.

Pas die onderwysers van die 21ste eeu die aanpassing toe in die klaskamer?

Friday, 9 March 2012

What is the 21st century

Die 21ST century verwys veral na post- modernisme. tot vandag toe bestaan daar nie 'n definitiewe definisie, omdat die wereld gedurig aan die verander is as gevolg van tegnelogie, mobalisering en interaksie tussen tegnelogie.

Mense in die era strewe na vryheid. hulle wil los wees van religie en bygelowe. die waarheid is relatief 'n illusie omdat dit subjektief is.
subjektiwiteit vewys dat daar hele tyd persoonlike interaksie plaasvind, waar gevoelens , emosies, onsekerheid en waardes almal 'n rol speel.
dit is moeilik om te definieer, omdat ''everything goes''. met ander woorde ons maak en doen wat ons dink reg is. daar is geen definitiewe 1 regte antwoord nie.
die era is 'n elektriese model. dit akkomodeer alle ander modelle van die vorige eras. soos positivisme en behaviourisme. leerders konstrueer hulle eie opinies. ons struktureer kennis deur die taal wat ons praat.
Tyd is buigsaam ion die era want tegnelogie laat ons toe om meer ''flexible'' werksure te werk as gevolg van tegnelogie. byvoorbeeld, kan vanaf die huis werk.
hoe mense en leerders leer is meer belangriker as wat hulle leer.
vaardigherde is meer belangriker as die inhoud.
onderwysers word fasiliteerders.
assessering word nie baie gefokus op toetse en eksamens nie, maar die kind word teen homself gemeet.( Departement of Humanities Education. Opv 264, 2010. Teachers And Teaching).

daar is nie net 1 uitkoms nie, maar verskillende benaderings vir verskillende leerders.
dit is 'n meer oop kurrikulumstelsel as in die verlede.
waarhede is relatief, dus word kennis gevorm.
onderwys is dus leerdergesentreerd.
daar is dus verskillende metodes van intelligensies.

Wat sal jy sien as die 21st century van onderwys??

21st' century learner

Die 21 st century leerder is ook bekend as die DIGITALE BOORLING.  dit beteken slegs die tipe leerders is gebore in die tydperk van die tegnelogiese veranderinge. meeastal vanaf die 1980's. die is nie die tipe leerders waarvoor die onderwyssisteem beplan het nie.

leerders het verander as gevolg van die vinnige tegnelogiese veranderinge. dit is die eerste generasie wat grootword met digitale tegnelogiese .

ook bekend as Net- generasie,  D- generasie , generasie -M, INTERNETGENERASIE, milleniums of digitale BOORLINGE.

Kenmerke van Digitale Boorlinge

Digitale Boorlinge verkies om inligting vinnig te bekom.
Hulle verkies grafika bo teks
Verkies ewe- toeganklike leer( multi- tasking)
Funksioneer die beste binne 'n netwerk
Floreer op onmiddelike behoefte- bevrediging en baie beloning.
Verkies speletjies bo ernstige werk. soos om op te let in die klas
Hou van gelyklopende prosesse en multi- tasking.
( verkry vanaf Opvoedkunde 362, 2011. Onderwys in die digitale ekonimie).

21st' century curriculum

die kurrikulum verwys na : aktiwitiete, modulles, kursusse, werksopdragte, vakke en leerareas,

die kurrikulum verwys na die somtotaal van wat die skool of unniversiteit bied. elke skool se kurrikulum verskil van skool tot skool asook vakke. die  21st century bied vakke soos dans, musiek, multimedia en radio in,

die 21st century kurrikulum skep 'n bepaalde werklikheid. dit verskil wel van mens tot mens, asook kultuur- tot kultuur. mense wat aan die verskille reageer skep gewoonlik diew werklikheid van ander mense.

dus kan 'n kurrikulum gesien word as 1. 'n eenheid van kennis. 2. filisofie. 3. 'n proses/ metode wat gedurig aan die verandering is. 4. produk/ uitkoms wat gewoonlik na die proses gebeur. dit is nooit finaal nie,want die proses bly voortduur. dus is dit 'n opeenvolging van gebeure.
( departement of humanities education. OPV 264. Teachers and teaching. 2010 bl:72).

Suid- afrika het 'n nuwe konstitusie en onderwyssisteem,en dus le daar 'n groot uitdaging voor in die ontwikkeling van menslike hulpbronpotensiaal na dekades van deskriminasie en ongelykheid. die groot uitdaging le in die taalverdeling van die konstitusie, om gelykheid in die gebruik en ontwikkeling  van Suid- Afrikaanse taal in alle sphere van sosiale en kulturele aspekte in te sluit, In die onderwys word 'n nuwe taalbeleid ontwikkel om  kognitiewe en affektiewe ontwikkeling vir alle leerders te verseker.(M, M Longman, 1997:1).

Maar sal daar ooit 'n lyn of oplossing gegee kan word, in die onderskeiding van kulturele verskille. die diversiteit is so groot en tog hou dit net aan om groter te word as gevolg van die multikulturele toegang van leerders in skole. persoonlik dink ek elke ''elke varkie op sy plekkie'' met ander woorde daar moet slegs skole wees wat spesialiseer in 1 tipe orde bv, slegs afrikaanse skole of Engelse skole, e glo orde en regulasies sowel as leeruitkomstes kan makliker en meer tydf effektief behaal word, sonder enige geweld of deskriminasie wat kan plaasvind.??

Thursday, 8 March 2012

21st' century skills

Because times are so demanding and revolutionary that we need new and different abilities.  We need new skills like critical thinking, problem solving,  information literacy and global awareness.  Other important skills include collaboration across networks, agility and adaptability, initiative and entrepreneurialism , effective oral and written communication, and accessing and analyzing information. 


-Silva, E. (2008). Measuring skills for the 21st century. Washington, DC: Education Sector. Available: