Adapted from enGuage 21st century skills. http//
Because the 21st' century learner communicates and think differently than those of the previous generations, and technology is intervowen(part) of their lives, it is necessary for a shift.
From teacher driven, passive learning model to a student drivven , active learning model.(Barr & Tag, 1995).
The development and engagement of the 21st' century learner requiers teachers to use creative resources and strategies that play to the strenths of the 21st' century
skills required:
social networks communication
one on one sessions
using technology like celphones for sending and retrieving sms's and mms's
using teamwork activities
critical thinking skills
1, information skills: access and evaluate information( access information effectively(sources) and efficiently(time). Evaluate information critically and compotently).
use and manage information(use information accurately and creatively. Manage the flow of information from a wide variety of sources. apply understanding.
2. media litteracy: analyze media (understand both how and why media messages are constructe and for what purpose).
Examine how individuals interpret messages differently, apply understanding.
Create media products.( understand and ultilize the most appropriate media creation tools, characteristics and conventions. Aswell as expressions in diverse , multi- cultural enviroments.
3. ICT information communication and technology: Apply technology effectively( use it as a tool to research , organize, evaluate and communicate information. Use digital technologies( computers, PDA's, media players, GPS, ect), communication/ networking tools and socizl networks appropriatelly to access, manage, intergrate, evaluate and create information. Apply understanding.
(P21 frameworkDefinitions)
Learning Skills that should be implemented at the end requiers:
Critical Thinking
Evaluate claims in terms of clarity, credibility, reliability, and accuracy
Demonstrate the ability to identify, analyze and generate claims, arguments, and positions
Identify and evaluate theses and conclusions, stated and unstated assumptions, and supporting
evidence and arguments.
Apply these skills to one's own work and the work of others.
Understand and apply the fundamentals of audience analysis, message construction, development,
organization, and presentation.
Deliver effective oral presentations in a variety of contexts
Identify, evaluate and employ critical and sensitive listening behaviors.
Identify and manage the verbal and nonverbal dimensions of communication in a variety of
Recognize and apply the influences of self-concept perception and culture on communication.
Identify, evaluate and utilize the nature and functions of power and the strategies of conflict
Develop and support a relevant and informed thesis, or point of view, that is appropriate for its
audience, purpose, and occasion.
Analyze and evaluate information to identify its argumentative, credible, and ethical elements.
Reflect on civic responsibility as it relates to written discourse (critical thinking, reading, and
Demonstrate effective writing skills and processes by employing invention, research, critical
analysis and evaluation, and revision for audience, purpose, and occasion.
Effectively incorporate and document appropriate sources to support a thesis and effectively
utilize the conventions of syntax, grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Information Literacy
Demonstrate competency in information literacy by locating information and using a work
processor, presentation software and spreadsheets.